This is a really important mile stone for mono project.

   " After a few years in the oven, we are ready to announce the first
release of MonoDevelop. Lluis has put together a set of in-depth
release notes that covers the major features available in MonoDevelop
and links to various tutorials and screencasts as well as extensive
screenshots of what is available in MonoDevelop 1.0.

    MonoDevelop 1.0 is designed mostly for Linux developers creating
Gnome and ASP.NET applications but MonoDevelop is also available for
MacOS users that download our Mono installer and will still be useful
if they are building Mono-based applications on OSX.

    The IDE has many of the features that you would expect from a
modern IDE for Mono: support for programming in multiple languages, an
extensible design, editors and designers for ASP.NET and Gnome
applications, integration with Unix toolchains and Visual Studio
Solutions, support for source code control and following standard Unix
development practices, integrated NUnit testing, Unix Packaging and
Deployment (following the GNU conventions, and Mono conventions) for
libraries and packages), internationalization and localization, tools
to maintain your project documentation and command line tools to
access this functionality. "

For more details read
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
(C++/C# Developer, IT Consultant)

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