On 03-Jul-08, at 6:37 PM, Arun Khan wrote:

> On Thursday 03 Jul 2008, Sarang Lakare wrote:
>> Thats not correct. The 7.7 million from US are the current stats with
>> 28million total downloads of firefox3 so far. Out of the 8 million,
>> probably 2-3 were from US.
> Good eye re: 7.7M out of 28M, otherwise the numbers don't compute :)
> But still it is a huge number compared to the rest of the world.   
> To me
> it shows more awareness of alternate solutions in those parts of the
> world and their attitude; that people are willing to try different

just shows that there are more computers there. For example, the US  
has more golf courses than India has golfers - probably same thing  
with tennis courts/tennis players.



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