> A security pandit would not opt for such an authentication scheme to start
> with. :)

Thanks. That qualifies me to use such a connection!

> Whats wrong with pppoe?

No idea. ISP just quietly* decommisioned it in our area. Probably some 
consolidation exercise of their infrastructure.

*: Literally. They didn't even care to inform the customers (or to me at 
least). Only when I complained about pppoe not connecting, after 3 days of 
downtime and follow up someone came and with a look full of pity - somewhat 
like "How come this guy still doesn't have a fixed IP? Poor old chap using 
pppoe..." - generously assigned a fixed IP to me and went off.

Only big and welcome change this time was, this guy did not frown at Linux and 
very fluently did all the settings on Linux. (That I suppose was his 
individual skill and interest rather than formally a support for Linux from 
ISP. But not sure.)

An aside, it perhaps has nothing to do with the authentication method, but 
other things happening at their end, but since then break in the connection 
lasting several hours has become almost a twice a week feature.


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