
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Navin Kabra <navin.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I was thinking of doing a series of presentations on Javascript - and
> later
> > on, perhaps other interesting languages, at the monthly meetings of PLUG;
> I
> > was wondering how many attendees are programmers, and/or how many would
> be
> > interested in such presentations?
> >
> Kapil,
> I am sure there will be enough enthusiasts.
> Even if there aren't enough on the PLUG mailing list, I'm sure that we can
> find people interested in Javascript and other programming languages in
> other places.

What give you the faintest impression that there are no/less programmers on
PLUG mailing list.

> Possibly, PLUG is not necessarily the right forum for this - because there
> will be PLUG people who are not interested in programming languages, and
> there will be PL people who are not interested in linux. I have been
> talking
> with a few other people about creating a Programming Languages special
> interest group. We could meet monthly and talk about different programming
> languages, language paradigms, OO vs functional vs prototype based
> programming, etc.

PLUG is open to all sort of programming discussions which comes under FOSS.
It seems either you have not met many/any PLUG members, not following
mailing list discussions or have a  clear  idea what PLUG community does.

> What do you think?

I think you are misleading people by putting such statements.
If it is clearly mentioned what is the topic people can come together for
such meets/talks/seminars etc.

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