On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 12:53 PM, mayur pimple <mayurpimpl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i want to create web site in php using drupal and database connect to mysql.
> i have downloding  drupal tar file  from drupal.org. i dont know how to
> install.
> and recommend the version of php and mysql and linux distro.

Step 1: Install a Linux distribution as per your choice. Distributions
like Debian and CentOS would be my likely candidates if the machine is
going to be used primarily as a server. If machine is for home use,
install newbie friendly distros like ubuntu or fedora.
Step 2: Install apache,mysql from your distribution's package manager
Step 3: Install mod_php for apache and php-mysql. from the package manager
Step 4: Download drupal from drupal.org and extract the files in
DocumentRoot of apache(check your distribution's documentation for the
same, it is like to be something like /var/www)
Step 5: Open your browser and type http://localhost/name_of_the_drupal_folder
Step 6: Now follow what the installer says and go on. You will need to
put in the requested data, create database in mysql and enter it's
details in drupal. Then enter further details for your site as drupal

Here's a good how to from howtoforge on installing drupal on debian
etch with lighttpd -

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