2009/12/3 म.हा.सा.ग.र <o.s....@guruvision.com>:
> </if  - humour - can - ! - be - tolerated>

> That is like saying please call me on this number.  ( which may change :-)

One cannot get to the correct phone number by trying in a range above and below.

In case of room numbers one can try a range above and below a given room number.

In any case a building has a limited range of room numbers. One is
guaranteed to reach the right one in a short time by trying all rooms
in the worst case.

Additionally there are people who can direct you to the right room if
you ask the right kind of questions (even stupid questions. And no
question is stupid)

Of course one can try a telephone directory to get to the right number.
It relates to the will/intention. Where there is will... etc.

Home the sense of humour is intact.

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