On Wednesday 17 February 2010 16:04:03 म.हा.सा.ग.र wrote:
> Everything just works purrrrfect.. till we change to ext5 of-course!

There won't be any ext5. btrfs is coming up next. and if you are using ext4, 
make sure that you use auto_da_alloc otherwise in case of power failures, lots 
of files will be left with zero bytes.

/dev/sdan / ext4 auto_da_alloc,noatime,defaults 0 1

> With slower computer and lesser memory i am getting almost similar
> performance... wondering what must be the reason... :-)

that they are slow? I have two disks, one gives 130MB/s and other one 70MB/s. 
Filesystem is not going to matter in that case.


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