On 20 November 2012 05:34, Sunil Beta Baskar <beta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have earlier suggested a series of presentations on building the GNU/Linux
> kernel and going forward to understand it.
> A lot of people evinced interest, so I'd like to know who'd really want to
> attend. The first would be first-week December 2012.
> https://bit.ly/TaubkR
> is the link for a google form meant to ease people enrolling.
> The form is for logistics, just to make sure I can find the appropriate
> venue, time-slot, day-of-week (which you get to choose.) The form is hosted
> on google/docs, when you find time just fill in. I'll close this form on
> 27-Nov-2012 (a week from now, just to make it easier to work out logistics.)
> I'm sure that's plenty of time.
> I have gotten my presentation/walk-through ready.
> The sessions planned insofar are:
> 1. Building "linux" (multiple kernels)
> 2. An Introduction to Kernel Architecture and Device Driver Model
> 3. Let's build a Device Driver [Workshop]
> 4. The "linux" kernel boot-up and the scheduler core
> 5. Memory Management in "linux"
> 6. Debugging and Profiling "linux"
> I do need help, volunteers and people who understand the kernel in a
> different perspective than mine. (You can volunteer on the form.) The above
> outline is listed in the form too.
> You'll need to choose when you'd prefer to have it and where you find it
> convenient. If you have suggestions for the form, please send an email to me
> at betasam [at] gmail --
> Cheers and Regards,
> Beta

/* Build your GNU/Linux Kernel */

The first of this workshop is happening on Saturday, 22-Dec-2012
The Time allotted is 1100-1300hrs
The Venue is Center for Modeling & Simulation (CMS) Pune University Campus
Please bring Laptops and Extension cord as far as planned.
If you are bringing in those who are not registered, buy are
interested, you're welcome

mail betasam @ gmail period com for quick information.

Thanks and Regards,
Sunil Beta Baskar

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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