On Monday, April 08, 2013 08:07:08 AM Mayuresh wrote:
> It's alright that for higher bandwidths wired will remain a better medium.
> For personal use I am content with less than 1mbps (say 512-750kbps etc)
> as long as it is consistent.

I think its a coverage issue. In some areas it is consistently good.. in some 
areas.. consistently bad..

If the ISPs would just collaborate on a backbone, things could improve a lot.. 
That goes for cellphone coverage as well..

> I think wireless should be capable of providing that much of speed
> reliably. They advertise speeds "up to" 3.1mbps (CDMA) and 7.1mbps (3G),
> though one doesn't even get 50kbps reliably - at least so with bsnl 3g.
> (Haven't tried others.)
> I think it's due to indiscriminately adding customers without capacity
> planning or any control on QoS on the ISP's part.

I would say that applies to wired connection as well, albeit in some different 

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