
I would like to introduce a new hackerspace (or makerspace, call it
what you like :)) in Pune called reserved-bit[1], located in Hadapsar.
reserved-bit is yet another attempt at setting up a makerspace to
encourage people to work on STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts, Maths)
projects of their own and even collaborate on projects.  We have
workshops during weekends that we list on our meetup page[2] and the
space is usually open on all 7 days.

As most of the initial members are FOSS contributors and proponents,
we are particularly interested in promoting that culture and would
like to see this space shape up as a mentoring hub for FOSS projects
and would like to invite people here to become members of this space.

Membership options for the hackerspace are here:


Also, here's a quick overview of events happening at reserved-bit in
the month of May.  If the list does not mind, I would like to post a
summary of events here on a monthly basis.  I will post the free
meetups separately (the kernel meetup for example) since they don't
fall under the commercial tag:

7th May

After a fun (and packed) workshop on 22 April, Drona Aviation will
repeat their workshop on building and flying their Pluto drone.
Details and tickets here:


14th May

Pooja Yadav and Nisha Poyarekar will be doing a workshop on Soldering
basics.  Details and tickets here:


If you have attended the last soldering, you can join us an hour late
and solder a new circuit provided by the instructor:


20th May

Shakthi Kannan will do a workshop on contributing to Open Source where
he introduces skills required to successfully contributo to Free and
Open Source Software.  Details and tickets here:


28th May

The Kernel meetup group meets again for the month of May where Amit
Kucheria will talk about the basics of Power Management and Siddhesh
will talk about malloc internals.  Details here:


See you all there!


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