On Thursday 22 June 2017 01:46 PM, Amey Abhyankar wrote:
> Curious to know if this install fest also includes 'network install' method.
> Regards,
> Amey.

For now we are only thinking about a system which will create bootable
drives for the Debian installation. We have no plans of including a
'network install'. However, we are planning on setting up a local
repository of packages which can help people to install certain packages
there and then.

With this, I would again like to ask if we have the permission to make
this an official activity of PLUG. We have only 8 days left for the
party and there are a lot of preparations pending.

Also, I request anyone who is interesting in helping with the party to
say 'Hi' on our freenode IRC channel #pluggies.

Dhanesh B. Sabane
plug-mail mailing list

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