COEP and/or IIIT in Pune could be a good choice in the near future.
I saw an ad in the newspaper today from COEP for supply of 1000 and 300 meg
of bandwidth for these organisations.
God only knows why they need so much of bandwidth. Can be utilised for
hosting mirrors for sure.


On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 7:39 AM, shirish शिरीष <> wrote:

> at bottom :-
> On 06/07/2017, Arun Khan <> wrote:
> <snipped>
> >
> > Rather than relying on commercial interests like Hathway and Reliance,
> > the government, if they are serious about FOSS adoption, should
> > empower (fund) NIC and the educational institutions to host FOSS
> > repos.  To the best of my understanding, repos at the IITs exist
> > because of dedicated FOSS  individuals within those orgs. and not
> > because of some policy.  Take the case of NRCFOSS - way back in
> > 2005-2009 time frame it was active, promoting FOSS at various regional
> > colleges but now it has gone into oblivion perhaps due to lack of
> > funds.  Crowd funding is an option but I'm not hopeful that it can
> > generate viable funds.
> I think that's expecting a bit too much from our babus. As it is it's
> only 22 percent of gram panchayats who have got broadband connectivity
> in what 7+ years of the project .
> project-monitoring-no-broadband-connectivity-in-78-
> pct-gram-panchayats-ambitious-project-failing-deadlines/751785/
> The best way if they really wanted to help would be to have a
> bittorrent service with a tracker stating where they are hosting and
> advertising the same to other trackers. That would be easiest and
> speediest way to do it.
> From whatever little experience I have had dealing with Govt. websites
> even the most innocuous info. is tucked away in some god-forsaken
> corner where it's hard to reach without somebody knowing the exact
> URL.
> The only bright light I have seen is IRCTC and recently BSNL's own
> portal which I understood have been somewhat freed through numerous
> RTI queries etc.
> As far as IIT Mumbai mirror is concerned it was and always has been an
> individual or a group effort at the most. The Debian mirror at IIT
> Mumbai has usually been out of whack (8 hrs. to 3 days late) then
> what's been happening on the actual network.
> At the easiest, you can use net-select and see which mirrors it tells
> you are more current and have the lowest latency, you would be
> surprised.
> To do this, we would have to have at least 3-4 free software groups
> banding together, raising RTI queries and also putting on something
> like and make a big noise about it. Europeans for sure will
> help us.
> I am sure funds are there in GOI's budget, it's just getting them out
> and into the right hands.
> My 2 paise.
> > --
> > Arun Khan
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> >
> >
> --
>           Regards,
>           Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
>   My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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