On August 31, 2018 6:42:43 PM UTC, G Karunakar <karuna...@geekgod.in> wrote:
>Basically some random nick joins the channel and posts a random
>message or link and exits. Those who are on the channel could tell
>what is the frequency. Also does this happen on #pluggies only or on
>other freenode channels too?

The spam keeps hitting the channel every hour. And it has been happening on all 
freenode as well as OFTC channels. Everyone else has taken steps to mitigate 
it. Freenode admins are aware of the spam and they are trying to stop it too, 
but to no avail. 

>I am not the OP so cant do much. 
>But you can suggest settings to do, when we are able to catch an OP.

The best option right now is to set the channel mode to" +q $~a". This silences 
all nicks which are unregistered. We can then add a line to the topic saying 
people should register on Freenode to be able to talk on the channel. 

I'd like to mention again that we need an active OP on the channel. If the 
current ones don't have the bandwidth, I'll be happy to volunteer. I believe 
Raju won't mind to volunteer too. 


Dhanesh B. Sabane
plug-mail mailing list

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