On 7 December 2021 17:24:43 GMT+05:30, Amey Abhyankar via plug-mail 
<plug-mail@plug.org.in> wrote:
>Hello All,
>I am trying to access the hamara Linux web-site after a long time and
>getting 502 Bad Gateway.
>Anybody facing the same issue today? Thanks.
>plug-mail mailing list

Hello Amey,

I'm happy to hear about your interest in Hamara Linux. The project is currently 
inactive and moved infra a while ago to a new server. The move isn't complete 
yet and the team has currently paused efforts due to other priorities.

I'd request you to please hold on to your interest for a bit longer and the 
services will be back online.


Dhanesh B. Sabane [dhanesh95]
plug-mail mailing list

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