Thanks, Dean.

On 1/22/07, Dean Michael Berris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Make sure that you've already done a checkout on the directory (or
that the directory you're referring to is a working copy).

Done that prior to testing the post-commit hook.

Try using the absolute path of the subversion binary.

Done that, too. I was just a bit lazy -- I promise, in the production
script, I'll place the PATH check. :)

You can try doing an export instead of an update if you don't want
subversion metadata in the path you've specified.

I'd rather use 'update' instead of doing a 'export --force' every time
there are commits. I've also added

<DirectoryMatch "^/.*/\.svn/">
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all

in the Apache config to prevent curious onlookers from viewing .svn's content.

Anyway, I've tested the script again, this time by:

sudo -u httpd_user /full/path/to/post-commit/hook/script

And it spewed out the error:

svn: Can't check path '/home/user/.subversion': Permission denied

So http_user is looking for a config path? I copied a working config
directory to /tmp:

cp -r /home/user/.subversion /tmp/config
chown -R httpd_user:httpd_user /tmp/config
$ sudo -u httpd_user /usr/bin/svn update /path/to/webapps/rootdir
--config-dir /tmp/config

And it worked! I also tested the post-commit hook to automatically
update the working directory based on the last commit, and that, too,
worked. Hay...

But that should have worked without a config dir, right? Please
correct me if I'm wrong. (I did try it without explicitly pointing to
the config dir, and the subsequent commits worked. *Sigh* some more.)

Ian Dexter R. Marquez | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (XMPP)
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