I've got a problem tracking down where memory is disappearing to on an
embedded linux platform.  I know basically about caches and buffers
and such and have looked at /proc/meminfo and /proc/slabinfo and kind
of understand about how slabs work.  However, I don't know what
numbers in /proc/meminfo are supposed to add up to what in a way that
is going to give me clues where the memory is disappearing to.

A little more detail.  We've got a bunch of Netgear WGT634U devices
running a customized OpenWrt scattered around town and we collect data
from them every 5 minutes or so via SNMP.  We have Cacti graphs of
memory utilization, e.g.:


We are running NoCatAuth (a captive portal system that uses Perl),
OpenVPN, OLSRd and SNMPd.  The WGT634U has 32 meg of RAM.  After a
reset, we usually have about 18 megabytes in free+cache+buffers.  Over
time, that total tends to degrade down to about 14 meg (or less), at
which time we become more susceptible to running out of memory during
forking (e.g. the NoCatAuth software forks 10 processes for every
authorization).  Typically, we see the failure in NoCat which causes
it to die (breaking our node in the process), but sometimes other
programs die instead.  Usually, the system stays running and we get
alerted and we can log in and fix it, but with 30-50 of these and a
1/week failure rate, we have to fix a few every day, which is

When I have looked, it did not *seem* that our userspace programs were
growing fast enough to account for the degradation in
free+cache+buffers, but maybe I was looking at the wrong thing.
Busybox ps is only giving me VSZ and not RSS.  Can someone suggest a
robust way of tracking memory usage?  I am particularly interested in
figuring out and accounting for what userspace is using, and what the
kernel is using, to see what exactly is growing so that I can make it

Grateful for any pointers.  Thanks!

Russell Senior, President
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