On 09/08/2011 01:54 AM, Michael C. Robinson wrote:
> to stick.  I have an NVIDIA GT220 HDMI video card hooked to a projection
> television.  This is my media server.  So far, I've been able to find
> the proprietary NVIDIA driver's overscan correction slider.  Trouble is,
> I have to run nvidia-settings every time I log in to X and there is no
> correction on the graphical login page.  The system is CentOS 5.6.
> NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.42-pkg1.run
> I have been able to put a bash script that simply runs nvidia-settings
> on the Desktop where it will be seen so people can fix this issue with
> the mouse, but this isn't ideal obviously.
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This may or may not help but ... I don't think that's the most current 
driver for that card. I installed the driver for that same card on a 
Fedora 14 box the other day but the one I used was 
NVIDIA-Linux-x86-280.13.run. In checking, that is the one nvidia has on 
their website also. You might try upgrading your driver and see if that 
helps anything.
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