On 10/21/2011 07:38 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Oct 2011, Richard C. Steffens wrote:
>> That raises another question: If the nVidia card has a 15-pin VGA output
>> and a DVI output, are those for separate monitors or are they just two
>> different ways to get to one monitor out of the card?
> Dick,
>     They're two different output formats.

Meaning two electrical connections for the same image? Derek's comment 
regarding a card with two DVI outputs suggests two separate images.

> Not all monitors support DVI (as I
> discovered with my replacement 19" Hamms-G wide screen). You can run a
> capable monitor with either. The DVI is brighter and has a sharper image. As
> Galen told me, once you switch from VGA to DVI you won't want to return.

I am expecting that.

I'm hoping to still use the Samsung monitor I bought from you several 
years ago as the second monitor. Now that you mention it though, I'll 
probably be somewhat disappointed with it if it's signal doesn't come 
from the nVidia card since that's what is in the box I bought from you 
at the same time. That's been a really nice, clear image. It is an AGP 
card, though, an this "new" motherboard doesn't have an AGP slot.


Dick Steffens

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