> On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 05:15:37PM -0800, Ronald Chmara wrote:
>> http://www.kirsle.net/blog/kirsle/android-4-0-in-virtualbox notes
>> problems
>> with sound, video, screen rotation, apps that are optimized for ARM
>> chips...
>> Interesting find.
> Great link!  The Android X86 port appears "not ready for prime
> time", given the ARM processor focus of Android.  Perhaps Intel
> will work on that.

The X86 port is ready for prime time. It is on shipping phones in the UK,
China, and India.  There is a translation layer that will convert ARM to
x86 on the fly. (I have seen it run on many test phones and tablets in the
lab on the current version of Android.)

If you are going to run a virtual emulation of Android, you should use the
one that comes with the Android SDK. It builds for either ARM emulation or

Phones on x86 will be in the US soon. (It takes longer to get a phone to
market in the US, as well as some carrier related issues.) How soon I am
not certain. I live too far in the future and they don't tell me when it

I may be able to do a presentation on X86 and Android, but I would have to
clear it through legal first. (I have signed many NDAs.)

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