I thought I'd toss this out there as I'm about to augment my desktop with
an SSD too. Rather than trying to predict which files will be accessed most
frequently or benefit most from an SSD, or risk running out of space
because I failed to predict usage on a specific partition, I've been
looking at unreasonably complicated solutions!

Firstly, a copy-on-write RAID1 between an SSD and hard drive partition of
equal size for / and the remainder on /home. Not foolproof but should net
some decent performance gains with minimal filesystem risk. I've also been
looking at doing this with a RAMdisk, but with much greater risk on power

Secondly, for the truly masochistic, flashcache! Basically using the SSD to
intelligently accelerate access to everything on the hard drive regardless
of partitioning, using sophisticated logic. You don't store anything
directly to the SSD, it's more like an Accelerator at that point. Getting a
system to boot from an entirely flashcache integrated system has been
fairly non-trivial in the past however. Facebook wrote fastcache for their
server farms, and subsequently open sourced it.

As I am always one for the most complicated and elegant solution possible,
clearly fastcache is the approach I plan on taking. (:

Ronald Bynoe
On Jan 10, 2014 8:34 AM, "Paul Heinlein" <heinl...@madboa.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Jan 2014, Rich Shepard wrote:
>  On Fri, 10 Jan 2014, Robert Munro wrote:
>>  You can avoid having a separate /opt partition by pointing it to
>>> /usr/local.
>> Robert,
>>   Good point. The described uses of /usr/local and /opt seem to overlap
>> extensively. I can understand the value of two separate partitions in an
>> enterprise but it doesn't make much sense for a small business or
>> individual.
> The stated difference between the two directory trees is simple:
> /usr/local is for locally built and installed software, /opt is for
> third-party software.
> If you typically use only system-provided packages and/or install only
> locally built software, there's not much reason to have /opt as a separate
> partition.
> --
> Paul Heinlein
> heinl...@madboa.com
> 45°38' N, 122°6' W
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