On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 01:30:35PM -0800, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   I updated Adobe's acrobat reader (acroread) from version 7 to version 9. I
> now find a directory in my home directory called C:\nppdf32Log\ that
> contains a single log file.

That bothers me too, sometimes.  Annoying me is one thing, annoying my
friend Rich and other PLUGgers cannot be tolerated.  So, I hacked up a
shell/perl script that fixes this, download from http://keithl.com/fixpdf.sh

Please, please, PLEASE "real" programmers, rewrite this so it cannot eat
file systems, cause jock itch, or make Bill Gates and Richard Stallman
sleep together:

--------------------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------
$ cat fixpdf.sh
###  cheesy shell/perl script by the inept Keith Lofstrom v0.1 2014 Mar 4
###  please ask a Real Programmer(tm) if this will work before you run it
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo "this script fixes pdf so it doesn't create annoying"
echo "C:\\nppdf32Log\\debuglog.txt files in the runtime directory"
echo "It does so by modifying all copies of the library nppdf.so"
echo "        run this as sudo sh $0"
echo "locating and if necessary modifying all nppdf.so libraries"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo "for each library, the string \"C:\nppdf32Log\debuglog.txt\" is"
echo "replaced with /dev/null"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Updating locate database"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
sudo updatedb
echo "locating and updating each nppdf.so file"
pdtime=`date +.%F.%T`
echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
for pdfile in `locate nppdf.so|grep nppdf.so\$`
echo "backing up file $pdfile"
echo "to              $pdfiletime"
sudo cp $pdfile $pdfiletime
echo "modifying file  $pdfile"
sudo perl -pi -e 's,C:\\nppdf32,/dev/null\0,' $pdfile
--------------------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------


P.S. - Adobe:  you should be ashamed of yourselves.  John Warnock gets
a wedgie the next time we meet for cocktails.

Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com
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