On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 8:52 AM, Dale Snell <ddsn...@frontier.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Aug 2015 08:20:47 -0700, in message
> caarut0gzxdj5xqdnlkjax8e+vxpbbztrbvxxrvpwxpd4vnl...@mail.gmail.com,
> Denis Heidtmann wrote:
> > I needed to use the floppy disk on my ubuntu 14.04 system (why is a
> > separate story).  I found that the default setup had the floppy owned
> > by root. Even when I made myself a member of the group floppy, I did
> > not have write access. It appeared as if the drive was not a member
> > of the group floppy.
> >
> > On searching for a solution I came across a change to /etc/fstab which
> > solved the problem.  My question is, I would like to understand what
> > these changes do and what the entries mean, and make sure that the
> > changes do not have any flaws. Could the dropping of the utf8 option
> > produce a problem?
> >
> > Original entry (as provided by the installation):
> > /dev/fd0   /media/floppy0  auto   rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8  0     0
> >
> > New entry:
> > /dev/fd0   /media/floppy   auto
> rw,user,noauto,exec,gid=floppy,umask=007 0 0
> You ensured that the floppy was a member of group floppy.  Since
> you're a member of that group, you now have access.  The utf8
> option does different things, depending on the type of
> filesystem.  You'll have to read the mount(8) man page to
> determine what's happening in your particular case.  If you're
> formatting your floppy as vfat, then I'd keep the utf8 option.
> BTW, you might want to specify "uid=<your_user_ID>".  That should
> make sure that you own the device, not root.
> Hope this helps.
> --Dale

Thanks.  It does help.  It was a struggle, but I managed to gain some
understanding by reading, rereading, and rereading again the mount man page.

I find now that there are three folders under media: floppy, floppy0, and
household. floppy is a link to floppy0, but why is household now there?
(household is the current user name).  And the original mount point was
 /media/floppy0, the new one is  /media/floppy.  Does this matter?

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