Russell Senior <> wrote:

> >>>>> "Larry" == Larry Brigman <> writes:
> Larry> Arris Surfboard wifi version with 802.3AC1900.
> Larry>
> FWIW, even when you buy and own the cable modem it is under Comcast
> control.  The first 15 minutes after you hook it up is them loading
> their own firmware onto the thing.  Having Comcast in control of the
> wifi is suboptimal, in my opinion.  I recommend a bridging device, one
> coax, one ethernet, no wifi on the device, so that you can control the
> network on your side.  The SB6141 is such a device.  Hook up your own
> gateway and wifi router that Comcast doesn't control.

Ah, okay - thanks for pointing that out.  I'm a bit surprised they would
expect to be able to update firmware on hardware they don't own.  I had
more or less decided I'd go the descrete component route anyway simply
because I have most of the other bits already; now I'd another good reason
to do so.  I'll be cheking out a craigslist find tomorrow, an Arris TM822G,
that seems new enough, is just a modem, and even has a backup battery.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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