On Fri, 29 Jan 2016, King Beowulf wrote:

> SEO Joke (from somewhere on the web):
> -------------------------------------------
> What is an SEO’s favorite part of the book?
> The title, description, and the index.
> -------------------------------------------

   I guess that's because it changes constantly. The rest of the book is out
of date by the time it hits book stores.

> Here's an interesting SEO bit from Google (2010):
> http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en//webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf

   Reading that now.

> I've learned a bunch of stuff at w3schools.com, much now already forgotten:
> http://www.w3schools.com/website/web_search.asp

   Good pointer. Will get there this weekend.

> O'Reilly usually has decent tomes on aspects of computer science - and
> they sponsor OSCON.  I can't vouch for this one, but reviews look good:
> The Art of SEO, 3rd Edition
> Mastering Search Engine Optimization
> By Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Jessie Stricchiola
> Publisher: O'Reilly Media
> Final Release Date: August 2015
> Pages: 994

   Yes, I have a number of ORA books and they've all be very useful.

> Have Fun!

   Will try to do so. Hope it rains all weekend so I don't feel bad sitting
here re-doing my web site. :-)

Much appreciated,

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