On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 11:46:26PM -0800, Michael Barnes wrote:
> I may be in the market for a new, inexpensive laptop for Linux.
> Nothing fancy, but would like something relatively current. I'm
> looking for something fairly lightweight and small, in the 10-11
> inch range.

Anything from the ThinkPad X series should serve you well.  They're
lightweight, compact (12.5" display), have great battery life, and run
Linux without issues.  Like most ThinkPads, they're also durable, and
easy to expand and repair (at least relative the rest of the laptop

If you're willing to live with 4-5 year old technology, an X220 can be
had for $200, give or take.


Paul Mullen
PLUG mailing list

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