Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. I will be testing this out.

On 04/10/2017 08:22 AM, Paul Heinlein wrote:
> I've got a CentOS 7 VM running off in the cloud. It exposes SSH on 
> port 22 to the world. I've thought about moving it to an alternate 
> port, and may someday do so, but in the meantime I've tried to keep up 
> with best practices for sshd configuration.
> I recently changed the KexAlgorithms setting, removing all 
> key-exchange algorithms based on NIST curves. (Google variants of 
> "ed25519 nist ssh ecdh" for my reasoning.) Anyway, the new setting:
> KexAlgorithms 
> All of my machines (MacOS 10.12, CentOS 6, CentOS 7) can work with 
> this setting, so I don't have to worry about infinite backward 
> compatibility.
> One interesting and unintended result of this change is that many SSH 
> scanners will fail while trying to negotiate a key exchange. The log 
> entries are short and sweet:
> sshd[18200]: fatal: Unable to negotiate a key exchange method [preauth]
> The number of scanners that even get through to the stage of 'Invalid 
> user' has dropped from a couple hundred per day to less than a dozen.
> Everyone's situation is different, of course, and this alteration may 
> not work in your environment -- but you may find it worthwhile raising 
> the bar on the KexAlgorithm, Ciphers, and MACs in your sshd_config, 
> especially if your SSH daemon is exposed to the world at large.

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