On 05/09/2017 06:58 PM, Michael Christopher Robinson wrote:
> I first attempted to run XID Authoring Database in WINE, 
> that resulted in cut off text and no rendering of JPG files.
> So I switch on my Fedora 25 system to VirtualBox running 
> Windows 2000, but the graphics are poor.  Has anyone gotten the 
> graphics to be better in VirtualBox or has anyone gotten XID 
> 7.0 to work in Wine?  The problem with VirtualBox is that the 
> mpg files are on Linux and there are a lot of them on an 
> EXT3/4 formatted file system.  Had WINE worked, that may not 
> have posed a problem.

It is easy to map (share) a linux folder to a windows folder in
Virtualbox.  When you do that, Win2000 sees the shared data as
ntfs/fat32 etc and not whatever the native linux format is. Refer to VB

Wine is another beast.  I've run it for years and often sift the console
output to see what glitches need fixing.  Sometimes it's a simple ddl
override or registry setting, sometimes an exercise in futility.

alternatively, you can try qemu http://www.qemu.org/
It's a bit harder to use, being completely command line based, but I
find it superior to VB.  Its been a while since I fired up Win2k, but I
do not remember any graphical issues.

> The graphics in Virtualbox are grainy.  The video card is an
> NVIDIA GT210, the video is on a 65" Samsung HDTV.
> The same JPG files under gnome 3 show up fine in file manager, 
> but they are grainy in VirtualBox.

Did you install the Windows 2000 guest additions?  There are several
video card choices as well. You can try another if the default does not
work.  Also, increase the video card memory settings in VB.  The default
is pretty skimpy.

> Does anyone know of a Linux compatible open source clone of 
> XID 7.0?  I'm starting to think the only reasonable solution 
> is to make one.  Did the company go under?  The source code 
> would be nice.
> XID for those who don't know is a Windows 98 and later database
> program.  It apparently works on Windows 10, but the print 
> function is broken.  The install procedure for it is kludgy, you
> are supposed to copy it to the Documents folder executable and 
> all on Windows.

All linux distros come with a bunch of relational databases.  If you
mean this XID:

Then you should look at:
FreeDelta: http://freedelta.sourceforge.net/
Opendelta: https://github.com/atlasoflivingaustralia/open-delta

Maybe something here:

> This Fedora based media computer has been superceded by PLEX, but 
> the freenas server is shutting down now.  I think one of the 4 
> terabyte drives is failing and probably the one with the movies 
> on it.  With the freenas server shutting down on me, I'm running
> 9.10 U3, it is hard to know what is lost and what is still there.

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