> We are considering a project over the next year:
> writing a "Linux Widow's Guide".  Perhaps that title
> is sexist;  I have met many competent women Linux
> adepts, but none with a non-techy husband depending
> on Linux systems that she exclusively maintains.
> "Linux Widow(er)s Guide" seems clunky and harder for
> a librarian to catalog, but might actually sell better.
Yes, in my opinion, "Linux Widow's Guide" is sexist.  Also, it's 
unnecessarily narrow.  Besides widows and widowers, what about new 
divorcées, or families whose in-house tech-support's reserve unit got 
called up for a free trip to Afghanistan.  How about "Caring for your 
Linux system", possibly followed by "(when your tech-support person is 

I'm actively not looking for projects right now.  Check back with me in 
six months and we'll see.

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