Roderick Anderson wrote:
> I am trying to contact the author of a 'LibreOffice Base' tutorial.
> I just ventured into designing an application for a local non-profit
> organization.  To make it portable across Windows, MACs, & Linux systems
> I figured LibreOffice Base made sense.  (More so now that I've got into it.)
> The last time I tried to work with Base I got basically to the corner of
> No and Where.  I'm not new to database design and application coding but
> have not been active for close to 10 years.
> This tutorial so far has been great.  The author is covering some basics
> that I know but find it easy reading.  The problem is it is a PDF and
> doesn't play well on a smartphone, tablet, or Kindle.  I was hoping that
> it could be converted into an ebook format.
> So to the actual question.  How do I locate Mariano Casanova?  Nothing
> (email, etc.) in the document and a Google search turns up a site in
> Spanish for a guy born in 1833, a Facebook listing of lots of Mariano
> Casanovas, an IMDB listing, and a singer.
> Is the Mariano Casanova a pen name?
> Any suggestions and other ways to search?
> TIA,
> Rod

Try Calibre on Linux.  It converts pdf to epub.

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