> I recently encountered this and it turns out that my / partition was,
> indeed, full. At the last Clinic I added ~50GB of free space on the
> drive to /, making now a total of 84GB. And now it is happening again.
> Something in / has eaten the entire new space.
> Note that ~/ is on the same drive, but a different partition. According
> to Thunar the ~/ partition is only 64% used, 138GB of free space.
> The device is a 480GB SSD. Palimpsest shows both partitions and no
> unallocated space.
> I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found nothing
> out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find the pig
> that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is causing the
> pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?

du -h --max-depth=1 /

You can then look in the directory using the most space with the same
command until you find what you want. You might need to run it under sudo
to avoid the "cannot access directory" error messages.

perl -pe 's/^\s+//g' *.py

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