On Mon, 22 Aug 2022 13:00:05 -0700
Keith Lofstrom <kei...@kl-ic.com> dijo:

>Today I migrated a test machine to Ubuntu 22.04.1.
>I expected all the upgrades to be DEB packages.
>Surprise!  Canonical provides Firefox as a SNAP package,
>their own walled-garden flavor (like RPM).  I had hoped
>to escape jails of that kind.

There are fans of snap and many who don't like it. I would like it
better if it wouldn't keep popping up messages about programs installed
with snap. I hate popups when I am trying to get some work done.

Some of Ubuntu's required utilities can now only be installed with
snap. But for most optional stuff there still exist .deb packages, that
you can most easily find with Synaptic. On the other hand, I read
recently somewhere that Synaptic's days were numbered.

And if you've got a program installed with snap, I don't know if you
can uninstall it and then reinstall it with a .deb. My big problem is
Chromium, installed with snap, and I don't know how that happened,
because I didn't voluntarily install it with snap. I can uninstall it,
and maybe reinstall it with a .deb, but what happens then to the
zillions of settings and configurations? Maybe I just need to spend a
day migrating everything from Chromium to a different browser, then
kiss Chromium goodbye and never look back.

All this reminds me of Alien,  a command line program that used to come
with all Debian based distros. With Alien you could convert an .rpm
instantly into a .deb, and I did so numerous times, and never had a
problem. Maybe what we need is a similar utility to convert a snap into
a .deb. Or maybe even better yet - a non-snap version of Ubuntu.

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