Getting on the wild-assed guess train, if you are using a firefox browser,
you might consider (if you aren't already) using the quite nice
Multi-Account Containers extension, and connect to each service in a
different browser container. The only reason I suggest this is because
*maybe* there is some alien cookie that is setting off a trigger, although
as I think about this more this seems quite unlikely to be the problem and
I only leave this in because I think this extension is really great and I
want to make sure everyone knows about it. It lets me stay logged in to
numerous different google accounts at the same time, without google getting
confused about which tab is associated with which account.

I concur with Paul, that it sounds like Comcast is not delivering the email
for some reason, and with his other advice.

The only further advice I'd give is to avoid using ISP provided email
addresses for anything other than communicating with that ISP. They use it
to reinforce vendor lock-in. Until there is some institution equipped and
willing to vindicate subscriber rights (spoiler: there isn't), you are
completely at the mercy of the carrier. You might consider, if you have the
option, of switching carriers away from Comcast. I'm not claiming that
either of their "competitors" is "better" in terms of their business
practices, but "churn" is something that costs them money and they pay
attention to. There is a fair chance that you can get one of (depending on
whose service territory you live in) either Ziply or CenturyLink/Quantum
fiber. Your only point of leverage with carriers is your option (if you
have one) of not paying them money. They love your money, but they hate
you. If you can credibly threaten to not give them your money every month,
they might become more pliable when it comes to satisfying your technical
support requirements.

Russell Senior

On Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 12:41 PM Paul Heinlein <> wrote:

> On Mon, 1 Jan 2024, wrote:
> > Here is my issue. I have put in a lot of time trying to solve this, but
> have
> > made zip progress. I even posted on the Xfinity forum but have received
> no
> > replies (lots of views though)
> >
> > My Comcast/Charter email is unreliable
> >
> > [... lots of good testing material snipped ...]
> >
> > Mail from charter to comcast does not arrive at comcast
> >
> > Mail from comcast to charter does arrive at charter
> >
> > Mail from charter to Gmail does arrive at Gmail
> >
> > Mail from Gmail to charter does arrive at charter
> My initial assessment is that it's Comcast's problem. Without any
> further information, I'd say that Comcast is silently deleting or
> withholding the messages from Charter.
> I've never used Comcast e-mail, and I don't know what filtering
> techniques its system employes, so here are two WAGs:
> Have you checked your Comcast spam folder for your Charter messages?
> Does Comcast have a way to check (and hopefully whitelist) messages it
> thinks might be spam?
> Since you never received a "message not delivered" error regarding
> your Charter-to-Comcast messages, my thinking is that they were
> delivered but were somehow blacklisted or marked as spam.
> But that's all I've got. Your testing is otherwise very thorough and
> exactly what I would have done.
> --
> Paul Heinlein
> 45°22'48" N, 122°35'36" W

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