On Tue, 21 Nov 2017, wes wrote:

This is up to the administrator of the recipient MTA. They can decide
whether to reject mail from senders who claim to be host x in their HELO,
but have a different name in their PTR record. In my experience, most of
them simply check that a PTR record exists at all, as it used to be hard
to get them.


  And I just found an answer on the web:

"Although email servers can (by RFC) accept connections that have a poorly
formatted HELO or server identification string sent during email
transmission dialogue (eg MTA to MTA communications) most Best Practises
documents insist that all identifiers are correctly used, and in the case of
HELO (or EHLO) this applies as well. The principal is that the HELO should
identify the sending server in such a way that it can be used to identify
servers with problems, such as leaking Spam or incorrectly formatted

It's postfix (in your case) that adds the hostname, not alpine.

  I should have realized this.

  BTW, if you can suggest a mail list or web forum for openDKIM assistance
I'd appreciate it.

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