I think that you are against the physics here, not against any
particular piece of a software.

Normal RGB pixel is 3*8b=24b
Yes, that is 1.5Gb/s just in raw pixels no image frame or network
overhead. Gamers typically prefer 60fps to feel fast shooters and need
to respond pretty fast.

Those display cables carry pretty awesome bandwidth and with pretty low
latency. Just imagine what that network speed and latency will do to
the game, MS+magic or not. That traffic must come out of Dfx card, to X
then through network stack back to X and another Gfx card. 

If you are thinking about saving money by throwing 10Gb network at it,
I would sleep on it. Cheap PC with cheap graphics card can give you
better and cheaper gaming experience.

Alternatively you could do it other way around and get decent
workstation and run server workload on it when not gaming. That would
work just fine.

Just saying, Tomas

On Sat, 2018-02-17 at 22:47 -0800, Tyrell Jentink wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2018 20:55, "Tomas Kuchta" <tomas.kuchta.li...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> In regards to your server room VM setup idea - how are you planning
> to
> display the stuff from far away server room?
> If Linux ends up sucking for this, I will cry a small tear, then
> install
> Windows in the KVM Virtual Machine, and use RemoteFX (
> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RemoteFX)
> But SURELY X is flexible enough to outdo anything Microsoft built
> into
> RDP... I just haven't made it that far in my research yet.
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