Yesterday I upgraded logwatch and it changed the output while leaving the
datetime stamps on /usr/share/logwatch/default_conf/logwatch.conf unchanged
but changing the .conf file. Shrug.

  Anyway, looking at the .conf file the only change I saw from the prior file
was directing the output to stdout rather than mail. I fixed that. The
maillog output format changed (no big deal), and a report on lm_sensor
output was added at the end of the report.

  I find no man page or other local doc that explains the output and would
like a pointer to a doc that teaches me how to interpret the report. Today's
report follows:

--------------------- lm_sensors output Begin ------------------------

 Adapter: ACPI interface
 Vcore Voltage:      +1.38 V  (min =  +0.85 V, max =  +1.60 V)
  +3.3 Voltage:      +3.34 V  (min =  +2.97 V, max =  +3.63 V)
  +5 Voltage:        +4.92 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.50 V)
  +12 Voltage:      +11.98 V  (min = +10.20 V, max = +13.80 V)
 CPU FAN Speed:     2777 RPM  (min =  600 RPM, max = 7200 RPM)
 CHASSIS FAN Speed: 2777 RPM  (min =  600 RPM, max = 7200 RPM)
 CPU Temperature:    +61.0 C  (high = +60.0 C, crit = +95.0 C)
 MB Temperature:     +34.0 C  (high = +45.0 C, crit = +75.0 C)

 Adapter: PCI adapter
 temp1:         +0.0 C  (high = +70.0 C)
                        (crit = +99.5 C, hyst = +97.5 C)

---------------------- lm_sensors output End -------------------------

  While this all looks good to me I want to know what actions to take if
values approach or exceed the high, max, or crit values.


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