> OK, this is Linux, where someone a long time ago decided to name a root
> folder /usr to save typing just one tiny letter. I mean, seriously.
> There has to be a way to save constantly re-typing at the command line.
> Any suggestions?

I have so many command aliases, that I've moved them out of my .bashrc into
their own .shell_aliases file. You'll want to find a handy combination of
letters which don't already belong to a command, and create one to suit
your purposes. There are many ways to do this, each having their own pros
and cons. I'll discuss one way; I'm sure others will chime in with various
other solutions and tell me what's missing from mine.

Since the utility you're calling is mkvmerge, I might be tempted to create
an alias called "mm". That doesn't do anything on my system, but you might
want to check yours first to make sure it's not taken. Such an alias would
look like so:

alias mm='mkvmerge -i'

Thereafter, you can simply type mm <moviename>, and you're off to the
races. Bash automagically passes along any arguments you supply to an alias.

You can place this in your .bashrc file if you want it to be available upon
each future login.

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