On 01/07/2019 11:57 AM, David wrote:
On 1/7/19 7:32 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I'm using Debian Stretch with MATE desktop.
I have a collection of USB drives (from 32GB -> 1TB) each with multiple partitions.

When I plug them in I don't  want anything automatically mounted.
I want to have them appear in MATE's "Devices" menu for individual selection.


I believe this is part of the "udev" functionality. I don't recall how it all works off hand, but that may be enough to start you off on your next web search for hints.

Yes, BUT <chuckle>
I had found several links indicating that, but nothing to "connect the dots".

Fortunately a Gnome user on debian-user pointed me to:
  > gsettings set org.mate.media-handling automount false


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