We met them last spring. I heard about them first at a net neutrality event
featuring Ron Wyden and some state and local officials at a Multnomah
County Library branch. I'd never heard of them, looked them up and invited
them to a Personal Telco Project meeting, where we had a nice exchange of
ideas. Maybe we could get them to come give a PLUG talk.

In a lot of ways, rural environments have it easier when it comes to
wireless infrastructure: less RF interference, easier access to high
points, the pressure of fewer alternatives. I admire their gumption.

A month ago, I drove a fellow named Christopher Mitchell over to John Day,
Oregon to present to a local committee working to get a fiber run from
Burns, about 70 miles away to improve their internets. Many people in Grant
County are on satellite internet, which is very limiting. I had 9-10 hours
with him in the car. People think rural internet infrastructure is just
impossible economically, but people forget that the same was said about
electricity, but we managed to get a wire to pretty much every building in
the country with Rural Electrification over the space of a few decades. On
the way over and back, we passed a long-haul fiber being trenched in along
the highway. Turns out, a local public electric utility, Columbia Basin
Electrical Coop, is installing fiber to the home in Fossil, Oregon (and I
think Condon too). When you start thinking outside the conventional
economic box, many things are possible.

On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 9:52 PM Mike C. <mconno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mesh networks and municipal broadband probably aren't new to anyone on
> PLUG. However, Althea's incentivized, encrypted, crypto-payment mesh
> network is brand new to me.
> Here's a link to article if it's also new to me,
> https://medium.com/althea-mesh/althea-in-rural-oregon-a16e4e8cc2a7
> I can think of at least 1 person, you know who you are, who is
> probably pretty well in the know about this project. But I also recall
> some folks on PLUG that are in more rural areas who also might have
> some intimate knowledge of this project who'd be willing to share some
> insights & opinions with the rest of the us.
> Cheers!,
> Mike
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