For those who aren't aware, Javascript is the nickname of Ecmascript.

Everything javascript can do, is there an open source non Microsoft
alternative that is perhaps safer and equally powerful?

Ecmascript is often used on web sites where it is commonly called
JavaScript, though it isn't Java at all and this is confusing for some
employers.  I figure I want to be doing Java programming and that most
people can't recognize the difference between Java and JavaScript.
I have to learn and certify in both languages if I'm going to get
reemployed as a programmer.

I took a Microsoft course on HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript and the
verdict is, skip it.  The course depends on C Sharp which I have
no interest in.  I'm not convinced that .Net is all that great either
owing to the difficulty getting VS2012 sample code to work on VS 2017.
Delete the reference to the assembly MVC or whatever and add it back
via Nuget making sure to specify the correct version...  You lost me
at Delete and having to do that using a mouse.  What is so great about
.Net coding if sample code doesn't work 5 years later?  Five years is
NOT a long time.  To make matters even more discouraging, I can't get
the updated sample code to work at all in VS2017 and it's supposed to.
I thought, I'll use the newer book and the newer code and save time,
right?  Wrong :-(

Took the cert test, missed it by 200 points though :-(

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