Thanks for the reply Rich.

I did some programming many years ago. Perl was/is my preferred language. Gave Python a try but it didn't stick.

I'm trying to get out of the computer support mode so I want something that the next victim (ah ... volunteer) can get help with that doesn't necessitate calling me. :-)

I tried MariaDB but my desktop is also my experimental system so it didn't work out well.

I have another system with fewer modifications and enhancements plus a later/latest distro version so that will be my next try. Maybe those repos will have a newer/newest/working version of LO Base.

Again thanks for the reply.

On 1/26/19 4:23 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Sat, 26 Jan 2019, Roderick Anderson wrote:

Anyone have experience building a non-trival DB application using LibreOffice?


Tried it a couple of times and gave up.

I think I got crazy one day and removed all the java/JRE stuff so LO is not happy.

JRE (or openjfx) is harmless.

The application is for tracking membership for a small 501(c)(3).  A little over 100 members.

Next step will be to see about using either PostgreSQL ( a little heavy
for this situation ) or MariaDB/MySQL ( little lighter ) but I would
prefer an embedded database. Which my reading/research says is Firebird,
or Sqlite.

I recommend SQLite3 for your application.

Do you do any coding? Python3 would be a good choice for a stand-alone
desktop application using the builtin tkinter widget set (that's your UI),
SQLAlchemy (that's your middleware; the Object Relation Manager), SQLite3
(the database back end), and I think the bridge between SA and SQLite3 is
something like answr (the postgres equivalent is psycopg2.)

If you want a browser interface I recommend Django (also written in Python)
with SQLite3 as the backend.


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