On 7/29/19 11:32 AM, Dick Steffens wrote:
> I'm copying a bunch of music CDs to my hard drive. I plan to use them as
> .wav so rather than using a ripping too I'm just copying the files. The
> environment is Xubuntu 18.04. I put the CD in the drive, wait for the
> audio player to launch, close the player, then mount the CD. After
> mounting the CD I open a Thunar instance and copy the files to a folder
> in another Thunar instance.
> This works to copy the entire CD for a few times, but then I get an
> error when I try to copy the tracks from a new CD:
> The name :1.105 was not provided by any .service files
> A little searching turned up a hint that some process died, but no hint
> on which process or how to restart it.
> So far I've had to restart the machine to get things to work again.
> Any clues as to where to start?


It could be that your distro is not correctly identifying the CD change.
 This is to be expected since audio CDs (Red Book format) don't have a
file system or even any "files".  Your distro has to guess and can guess

There is error correction and duplicate data encoded as well, and given
the CD drive quality (spindle speed variance, jitter), you should really
rip the audio CD with cdparanoia etc.  You will get the correct wav file
extracted and converted to PCM wav format.

the terminolgy "rip" just means raw data extraction, not
encodeng/converting to another format. Hence the phrase, "to rip and
convert (or encode)." All CD audio rippers allow you to simply pull the
raw audio data without conversion, perform error correction, etc. Also,
as a side benefit, many can connect to a CDDB database and provide
artist and track names, which you can have the ripper automatically
apply to the filename instead of track001.wav


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