Switching desktop server/workstations still has loose ends and I'm not
seeing the solution to what should be a simple situation: the new desktop is
not seeing the LaserJet5 printer.

There are four active hosts on the lan: the desktop, the WAP, the router,
and the printer. As currently wired, this desktop is connected to the router
which is connected to the bridge. The printers are connected to the bridge.

The old desktop was also connected to the router and via the bridge to the

CUPS initially told me that printer was not responding. I paused and
restarted it so it was idling, but trying to print a test page failed.
That's when I tried pinging it;

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable

The cat5 cables are snug in their sockets.

The desktop, of course, can ping the router and the outside world.

When external access fails because the network is unreachable I restart
inetd, but this is a intra-LAN issue and I'm not seeing what to test or how
to fix.

Help needed,


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