In regards to your diverse history. You're not the only one: I dare say my
background is more diverse not only vertically within in a technical
speciality but also horizontally across many industries. I'm also diverse
across types of work and I've had difficulties finding work due to this.
I'm not a polymath by any means but I don't fit squarely in a box nor have
a conventionall career path.

I too wish I could've done Physics experiments for a living when I was in

Rereading your question. It seems to me you've already answered the WHAT
question of providing USEFUL_FEEDBACK.

There comes a point when asking for advice/guidance from others that we
just have to start carving our own path. I've been struggling with this for
years now myself.

Have you been to a Hackathon before? That also might be a good place to
start. I just read an article about Hactoberfest and a large portion of the
attendees where new users & devs.

Best of luck to you!

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 5:59 AM Richard Owlett <> wrote:

> On 03/28/2020 08:46 AM, Ben Koenig wrote:
> >[snip]
> >
> >> If I were trying to do what you are I'd start with getting clearer about
> >> what I'm really interested in and what I have to bring to the table
> Basically I agree. That is is why I wrote in my initial post:
> > I do not have the technical skills to contribute viable code.
> > I've been a computer *USER* since early 60's.
> > Is there a forum whose goal is guiding consumers to provide _USEFUL_
> feedback?
> I already have a good idea of where to:
>    1. find current topics of interest to differing audiences.
>    2. contribute any useful results.
> Mailing lists which qualify include debian-user, debian-blends, and
> debian-boot.
> The desired forum may not be explicitly software focused, let alone be
> for a specific Linux distro. Based on my experience of taking multiple
> Freshman writing courses over three decades, many contributors might be
> writing instructors. What I wish to do is read the archives of such a
> forum to better organize my efforts.
> >>  From my experience, that's harder to do. It's easier to ask others what
> >> they need. Figuring it out for oneself is a slower process of
> refinement.
> >>
> >>
> > +1 Start by telling us more about your personal interests. Hobbies?
> > Careers? [snip]
> Don't know how productive that will be <chuckle>
> I was in 9th grade when Sputnik was launched. I was very good in math
> and science. My farther was an electrical engineer. Thus it was
> foreordained that I was destined to pursue a BSEE. Hindsight suggests
> that pursuing a Physics program would have been more successful. I spent
> a decade as an electronics tech in a university research environment.
> Then two decades in private sector doing engineering and customer
> support (emphasis on QA/QC).
> Once when job hunting thru a temp-to-permanent agency, I got one
> interview because the company owner wished to meet someone who would not
> only claim, but document, such a strangely diverse history ;}
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