OK, got the Bullet M2, antenna, POE injector, cables, etc. Hooked it all up
and got right into the management page. Followed all the instructions and
videos I could find. The need is to connect to WiFi from my RV. Per the
instructions, I set the Wireless settings to Station, choose an access
point from the survey list, set Networking to Router, set IP address, DHCP
range, etc.
My laptop connects and pulls DHCP, and I can access the management page on
the Bullet. My home router gives the Bullet DHCP and shows it on the
connections list. However, I cannot see anything past the Bullet from my
laptop. Looking at the routing table in the Bullet, it all looks good to my
untrained eye. But, no access from my laptop to anything other than the
Bullet. No Internet, can't see my other computers.

Frustrated, looking for suggestions.

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