This sounds vaguely like a homework assignment.

My advice would be to think about what information you'd need to have
to be able to do the things you are describing, and then think about
how to get that information.

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 8:25 AM Daniel Ortiz
<> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> May anyone please lead me in making a small search engine for this mailing
> list's archives and another one? All it needs to do is return the links
> that contains the words you put in regardless of space, order, location, or
> capitalization. The words also don't have to be all in there. Don't concern
> yourselves as much with the ranking system since that is secondary and
> could be left out, but a ranking system that has ranking from the greatest
> percentage to lowest percentage of words then in the search and ranking
> from the first to the last word in the search (an example of that in action
> is if the search has "programming FORTRAN" then it places first the links
> with both words then the links with the first word then the link with the
> last word) would make it more useful.
> From, Daniel Ortiz

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