On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 1:45 PM Eric House <eeho...@eehouse.org> wrote:

> > With screen you can resize the terminal size to fit using ctrl-a F  -
> > that's your screen's control command followed by a capital F.
> That works! If I have two different terminals ssh'd into the same screen
> session and resize one then ctrl-A F it, the session in the other terminal
> changes size to match.
> But: unlike with tmux (which is totally new to me as I said), the two
> sessions are not kept in sync.
> If I switch panes in one, or split the window, the other doesn't change.
> Since one of my sessions will be invisible, I need it to automatically
> follow whatever I do in the other so that keystrokes will always go where I
> can see them. Is that possible with screen? Seems a useful feature e.g. for
> demonstrating something remotely, but I can't find anything even asking how
> to do it (so I'm probably asking the wrong question....)
> Thanks!
> --Eric

If I understand correctly, yes, that should be possible.  I've used screen
for remote pair programming.  I usually do the following to initiate a

screen -dmS foo

Then this to connect to it:

screen -x foo

FWIW, I also remap the escape key to Ctrl+v as bash uses the Ctrl+a for
beginning of line.

alias screen='screen -e$'\''\026'\''v'

Good luck and let us know how things go.

- Robert

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