On Mon, 10 Oct 2022, wes wrote:

you're missing the MX record from this list. it definitely exists, so the
fact that you're not listing it here suggests that your info from your DNS
hosting provider is incomplete.


Come to think of it, perhaps before I changed registrars, there was an MX

the MX records control where mail gets delivered. not the A record. so
changing the A record from the office IP to the web host IP will not break
your email service.

I can certainly add an MX record, yet the current A record with the mail
host has been working. I'll learn the specifics to add that record.

It appears to me that the URL Redirect redirect record would work to
redirect https://appl-ecosys.com to https://www.appl-ecosys.com. Just how
that record is entered I need to learn.



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