On Thu, 17 Nov 2022, Galen Seitz wrote:

I suppose I should be paying closer attention, but when I saw a message
about nfs running on port 22, I thought, "what the !#$#, that's the ssh
port. nfs uses a completely different port(just looked, it's 2049)"
Anyway, abbreviating nearlyfreespeech as NFS, and then talking about
TCP/IP port numbers provides ample room for confusion.


When I log in to nearlyfreespeech.net (NFS) using sftp that's the port
number I use and I'm able to transfer new and modified files to my web site.

NFS has two names: a user name (they call it a short name) for ssh and a
login name for the web site and, apparently, sftp.

I apologize for confusing you; NFS is much shorter than nearl free speech so
I used the abreviation.

Regardless, using the proper user/short name I logged in ran tls-setup.sh
and a couple of minutes later replaced the FreeSSL certs with the Let's
Encrypt certs and automatic renewal.

So much to learn, so little time. But I keep learning because it's so



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