On 9/30/23 21:57, MC_Sequoia wrote:
I'm sharing my experience because I've using Debian for 15 years and I've never 
had an experience like I did the other day with Debian 12 Netinsttall w. Gnome 

I finally was able to successfully get the XFCE Netinstall version installed. 
However, once installed I had weird wifi connectivity problems w. 2 wifi access 
points that I use regularly, Everything from key exchange problems, dropping 
the connection, and ever not associating with an open AP.

I don't know about the rest of it, but modern versions of OpenSSH have disabled some crypto algorithms by default. A common one is the ssh-rsa host key algorithm. The failure message gives you a clue (but sometimes ONLY a clue) as to what option you need to activate them again. You can re-enable them from the command line, using for example:

  ssh -ohostkeyalgorithms=+ssh-rsa username@hostname

Or, you can get fancy with .ssh/config and associate a host entry with the needed options, e.g.

  Host hostname
    User username
    HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

or something vague like that (I didn't check the syntax of the option), maybe someone can correct me.

Of course, they weren't deprecated without a reason. When you encounter these messages, you should consider whether you can update the remote system to not rely on the deprecated algorithms, because the pain is only likely to increase in the future.

On older Debian, you are probably running a not-yet-fully-modern openssh and therefore have not encountered the deprecations yet.

As for the slowness, at the risk of repeating the obvious, because reaching services over the internet crosses potentially many hops and depends on many things working, it's hard to say anything definitive without testing. Could be long DNS delays, could be an overloaded link somewhere along the path, it could be the server at the far end was overloaded. The "mtr" tool is a good place to start, as packet loss or big jumps in delay along the path can give clues. I haven't installed Debian in a while, so I don't have any particular insight or recent experience to share.

Russell Senior

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