On Tue, Dec 27, 2005 at 07:50:11PM -0500, Matthew Frederico wrote:
> If you're a developer who needs a simple interface to keep track of your
> clients time and billing, I've developed a project that I think is pretty
> good at helping us little guys keep track of what's going on.  It's a
> simple, intuitive tool and has saved my bacon many a time. So, I figured I'd
> share!

A few suggestions:

- Links should look like links, not like regular text. Don't make ask
  myself "I wonder if that's a link". 

- Editing the rate was non-intuitive. It seems like an overuse of AJAX.
  The user should know when something has happened, it shouldn't catch the
  user by surprise. If you really want to be clever with AJAX, then at
  least change something in the page to let the user _know_ that he has
  updated something.

  Case in point: I couldn't figure out where you edited the rate. There
  was no clear link "Edit rate", just the rate box. When I clicked on it,
  nothing changed, but I could edit it. I wasn't sure if I had to push
  something  to make the update "stick". So I typed (by accident) "5443"
  and that automagically changed the rate to "5443.00" per hour, but I
  didn't know that until I refreshed the page.

- A "Date" should be a date and look like a date, not a timestamp. Dates
  don't have time.

- I just went back after a couple minutes, and it's now giving me a 403



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